XC Schooling

Schooling Information

Below are the schooling rules and information needed to be able to school at each of the following TEAM sponsored locations.
Please read and follow directions carefully as each location has different requirements.
Notice: All locations REQUIRE all riders to wear the following safety equipment at all times when mounted.

  • Helmet with chin strap that is ASTM Certified

  • Medical Armband or Bracelet

  • Chest Protector

    Note: it is mandatory to have an unmounted individual accompany you if the rider is 18 and under. Most locations require an unmounted individual to accompany riders for safety at all times! Check with each location before schooling.


TEAM XC Schooling Locations

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Honey Run

revel run

  • Book online by visiting https://www.revelrun.com/book-online

  • Complete a signed Release Form (If you have attended a show during the year, but have not schooled, you will still need to complete a form)

  • Schooling Fee: Please check when scheduling your schooling

  • Release Form

hunters run water

Hunters Run

  • Contact Dave at 810-441-6481 to schedule schooling

  • Professionals may bring students to school at any time during the season with proper insurance

  • Release forms must be filled out. Parent or Legal Guardian must sign if rider is a minor.

  • Schooling Fee: Check with Dave when scheduling schooling

  • Release Form

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Cedar Ridge

  • Contact Carolyne Wheeler at 734-476-8346 to schedule schooling and for more information

  • Release Form